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Romanian anthem (7k)-1 sec.
Awake Romania!
photo: Soup Kitchen in Romania (32K)

Image: A soup-kitchen in 1996 post-revolution Romania, evidence of the continuing severe economic crisis resulting from the Ceausescu's economic policies and failed reforms initiated by the new government. (photo credit: David Kideckel, DOF team)

Romanian anthem Awaken Romanian! Not sung under Ceausescu's regime. Excerpt from lyrics: read complete lyrics

"Awaken thee, Romanian, shake off the deadly slumber...
With arms like steel and hearts of fire impetuous
It’s either free or dead, that’s what they all decree...
The word is freedom, no less sacred is the end
We’d rather die in battle, in elevated glory
Than live again enslaved on our ancestral land.

(performance credit: David Driggs, E-Conflict World Encyclopedia)
--Load time: ~1 sec.


(c) 1999 John Borneman & Linda Fisher, All Rights Reserved